Our company’s purpose is to support smaller companies in their accounting (bookkeeping, cost-accounting, controlling, liquidity management) and deliver a real contribution to the optimisation of your processes and operative result.
Every enterprise is facing the challenge to fulfil a large number of business functions (senior management, production, sales, administration, etc… See screen shot) by utilising resources (money, work force, time) the most efficiently. These activities are particularly important and it could endanger the existence of the firm, if they were neglected.
At large corporations these functions are performed by different departments. The accounting functions are executed by the Finance-department and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
At smaller companies the staff is too small to cope with this work or the costs of hiring qualified employees are too high. As a result the owner must deal with such tasks regardless of his/her capacities.
That is why ESPG Services is providing small and medium companies, freelancers and private clients with services in bookkeeping, controlling, assistance in projects and relocation services. As customer you are offered tailor-made and high value solutions and freed from those tasks. Thanks to our cooperation you and your company are benefiting from, among others, such advantages:
- more tome to focus on business
- only one contact person for your accounting questions
- costs are due if and only if a service is performed unlike with employees
- you have the certainty that work will be executed with high accuracy and quality